Industries frequently encounter the daunting task of disposing of high Total Dissolved Solids (TDS) effluent, whether it is generated sometimes directly from the manufacturing process or largely as a reject of effluent recycling systems. The concentrated nature of this effluent necessitates treatment methods like thermal evaporation, which come with a governing operating cost.
At Advent Envirocare, we pioneered a groundbreaking membrane-based solution designed specifically to address this challenge. Jointly developed with a UK-based Forward Osmosis company, our innovative technology allows for the concentration of TDS to 12-20%, representing a significant leap in efficiency and cost-effectiveness. The operating pressures are like conventional desalination RO system pressures and the limitation on scaling too follow the conventional RO guidelines, a familiar terrain for mist industries.
This cutting-edge approach, introduced globally by Advent Envirocare, revolutionizes the treatment of high TDS effluent, offering industries a sustainable and economical alternative to traditional methods.
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